Rufous Treepie
Don Kaeo, Chiang Mai
14 July 2023
Scientific name: Dendrocitta vagabunda
Chinese (simplified): 棕腹树鹊
Japanese: チャイロオナガ
Thai: นกกะลิงเขียด [นกกะลิงเขียดสีน้ำตาล]
Scientific name: Dendrocitta vagabunda kinneari
Greater Coucal
Mueang Chiang Mai
15 July 2023
Scientific name: Centropus sinensis
Chinese (simplified): 褐翅鸦鹃 [红毛鸡]
Japanese: オオバンケン
Thai: นกกะปูดใหญ่
Scientific name: Centropus sinensis intermedius
Red-whiskered Bulbul
Chiang Mai
30 June 2023
Scientific name: Pycnonotus jocosus
Chinese (simplified): 红耳鹎
Japanese: 紅羅雲 [コウラウン]
Thai: นกปรอดหัวโขน
Scientific name: Pycnonotus jocosus pattani
Eurasian Hoopoe
[Common Hoopoe]
Chiang Mai
30 June 2023
Scientific Name: Upupa epops
Chinese (simplified): 戴胜
Japanese: ヤツガシラ
Thai: นกกะรางหัวขวาน
Southeast Asian Hoopoe
Scientific Name: Upupa epops longirostris
Thai: นกกะรางหัวขวานเอเชียตะวันออกเฉียงใต้
Eurasian Tree Sparrow
Chiang Mai
30 June 2023
Scientific name: Passer montanus
Chinese (simplified): 麻雀 [树麻雀, 家雀]
Japanese: 雀 [スズメ]
Thai: นกกระจอกบ้าน
Scientific name: Passer montanus malaccensis
Coppersmith Barbet
Chiang Mai
13 July 2023
Scientific name: Psilopogon haemacephalus
Chinese (simplified): 赤胸拟啄木鸟
Japanese: ムネアカゴシキドリ
Thai: นกตีทอง
Common Yellow-Faced Coppersmith Barbet
Scientific name: Psilopogon haemacephalus indicus
Lineated Barbet
Mueang Chiang Mai
15 July 2023
Scientific name: Psilopogon lineatus
Chinese (simplified): 绿拟啄木鸟
Japanese: シロボシオオゴシキドリ
Thai: นกโพระดกธรรมดา
Scientific Name: Psilopogon lineatus hodgsoni
Black Drongo
San Phi Suea, Chiang Mai
14 July 2023
Scientific name: Dicrurus macrocercus
Chinese (simplified): 黑卷尾
Japanese: オウチュウ
Thai: นกแซงแซวหางปลา
Scientific name: Dicrurus macrocercus cathoecus
Streak-eared Bulbul
Mueang Chiang Mai
30 June 2023
Scientific name: Pycnonotus conradi
Chinese (simplified): 条耳鹎
Japanese: ミミジロヒヨドリ
Thai: นกปรอดสวน
(This species has no subspecies)
Ayeyarwady Bulbul
Mae Sot, Tak
5 July 2023
Scientific name: Pycnonotus blanfordi
Chinese (simplified): 纹耳鹎
Japanese: イラワディヒヨドリ
Thai: นกปรอดอิรวดี
(This species has no subspecies)
Oriental Magpie-Robin
Thung Hua Chang, Lamphun
2 July 2023
Scientific name: Copsychus saularis
Chinese (simplified): 鹊鸲 [四喜鸟]
Japanese: シキチョウ
Thai: นกกางเขนบ้าน
Scientific name: Copsychus saularis saularis
Chinese (simplified): 鹊鸲指名亚种
Thai: นกกางเขนบ้านท้องขาว
Eastern Cattle-Egret [1,2]
Thung Hua Chang, Lamphun
2 July 2023
Scientific name: Ardea coromanda
(This species has no subspecies)
[1] A taxon update was incorporated by the scientific community in October 2024. Former taxon data were:
Eastern Cattle Egret
Scientific name: Bubulcus coromandus
[2] A taxon update was incorporated by the scientific community in October 2023. Former taxon data were:
Cattle Egret
Scientific name: Bubulcus ibis
Chinese (simplified): 牛背鹭
Japanese: 飴鷺 [アマサギ]
Thai: นกยางควาย
Subspecies scientific name: Bubulcus ibis coromandus
Ornate Sunbird (male)[3]
Mueang Chiang Mai
15 July 2023
Scientific name: Cinnyris ornatus
Thai: นกกินปลีอกเหลือง
Scientific name: Cinnyris ornatus flammaxillaris
Ornate Sunbird (female)[3]
Chiang Mai
13 July 2023
Scientific name: Cinnyris ornatus
Thai: นกกินปลีอกเหลือง
Scientific name: Cinnyris ornatus flammaxillaris
[3] A taxon update was incorporated by the scientific community in October 2023. Former taxon data were:
Olive-backed Sunbird [Yellow-bellied Sunbird, Yellow-breasted Sunbird]
Scientific name: Cinnyris jugularis
Chinese: 黄腹花蜜鸟
Japanese: 黄腹太陽鳥 [キバラタイヨウチョウ]
Subspecies scientific name: Cinnyris ornatus flammaxillaris
Gray-breasted Prinia
[Franklin's Prinia]
Takhian Pom, Lamphun
3 July 2023
Scientific name: Prinia hodgsonii
Chinese (simplified): 灰胸山鹪莺
Japanese: ハイムネハウチワドリ
Thai: นกกระจิบหญ้าอกเทา
Scientific name: Prinia hodgsonii erro
Asian Green Bee-eater
Tha Sai Luat, Tak
8 July 2023
Scientific name: Merops orientalis
Chinese (simplified): 绿喉蜂虎
Japanese: ミドリハチクイ
Thai: นกจาบคาเล็ก
Scientific name: Merops orientalis ferrugeiceps
Common Myna
Chiang Mai
30 June 2023
Scientific name: Acridotheres tristis
Chinese (simplified): 家八哥 [海南八哥]
Japanese: インドハッカ
Thai: นกเอี้ยงสาริกา
Common Indian Myna
Scientific name: Acridotheres tristis tristis
Great Myna
Chiang Mai
30 June 2023
Scientific name: Acridotheres grandis
Chinese (simplified): 林八哥
Japanese: オオハッカ
Thai: นกเอี้ยงหงอน
(This species has no subspecies)
Plain-backed Sparrow
Mae Sot, Tak
9 July 2023
Scientific name: Passer flaveolus
Chinese (simplified): 黄腹麻雀
Japanese: セアカスズメ
Thai: นกกระจอกตาล
(This species has no subspecies)
House Sparrow
Tha Sai Luat, Tak
6 July 2023
Scientific name: Passer domesticus
Chinese (simplified): 家麻雀
Japanese: イエスズメ
Thai: นกกระจอกใหญ่
Indian House Sparrow
Scientific name: Passer domesticus indicus
Thai: นกกระจอกใหญ่อินเดีย
Scaly-breasted Munia
Thung Hua Chang, Lamphun
1 July 2023
Scientific name: Lonchura punctulata
Chinese (simplified): 斑文鸟
Japanese: シマキンパラ
Thai: นกกระติ๊ดขี้หมู
Scientific name: Lonchura punctulata topela
Pied Bushchat
Takhian Pom, Lamphun
3 July 2023
Scientific name: Saxicola caprata
Chinese (simplified): 白斑黑石䳭 [小黑白]
Japanese: クロノビタキ
Thai: นกยอดหญ้าสีดำ
Scientific name: Saxicola caprata burmanicus
Rock Pigeon (Feral)
[Rock Dove]
Mae Sot, Tak
5 July 2023
Scientific name: Columba livia
Chinese (simplified): 原鸽 [野鸽]
Japanese: 河原鳩 [カワラバト]
Thai: นกพิราบป่า
Feral Pigeon
Scientific name: Columba livia domestica
Chinese (simplified): 家鸽
Japanese: 土鳩 [ドバト]
Thai: นกพิราบป่าปละ
Red Collared-Dove
Mae Tho, Tak
4 July 2023
Scientific name: Streptopelia tranquebarica
Chinese (simplified): 火斑鸠
Japanese: ベニバト
Thai: นกเขาไฟ
Scientific name: Streptopelia tranquebarica humilis
Spotted Dove
Chiang Mai
30 June 2023
Scientific name: Spilopelia chinensis
Chinese (simplified): 珠颈斑鸠
Japanese: カノコバト
Thai: นกเขาใหญ่
Southeast Asian Spotted Dove
Scientific name: Spilopelia chinensis tigrina
Zebra Dove
Chiang Mai
13 July 2023
Scientific name: Geopelia striata
Chinese (simplified): 斑姬地鸠
Japanese: チョウショウバト
Thai: นกเขาชวา
(This species has no subspecies)
Common Iora
Takhian Pom, Lamphun
2 July 2023
Scientific name: Aegithina tiphia
Chinese (simplified): 黑翅雀鹎
Japanese: ヒメコノハドリ
Thai: นกขมิ้นน้อยธรรมดา
Scientific name: Aegithina tiphia philipi
Sooty-headed Bulbul
Tha Sai Luat, Tak
6 July 2023
Scientific name: Pycnonotus aurigaster
Chinese (simplified): 白喉红臀鹎
Japanese: コシジロヒヨドリ
Thai: นกปรอดหัวสีเขม่า
Scientific name: Pycnonotus aurigaster klossi
Little Ringed Plover[4]
Mae Moei Reservoir, Lamphun
1 July 2023
Scientific name: Thinornis dubius
Chinese (simplified): 金眶鸻
Japanese: コチドリ
Thai: นกหัวโตเล็กขาเหลือง
Northern Little Ringed Plover
Scientific name: Thinornis dubius curonicus
[4] A taxon update was incorporated by the scientific community in October 2024. Former taxon data were:
Scientific name: Charadrius dubius
Subspecies scientific name: Charadrius dubius curonicus
Red-wattled Lapwing
Mueang Chiang Mai
15 July 2023
Scientific name: Vanellus indicus
Chinese (simplified): 肉垂麦鸡
Japanese: インドトサカゲリ
Thai: นกต้อยตีวิด [นกกระแตแต้แว้ด]
Black-necked Red-wattled Lapwing
Scientific name: Vanellus indicus atronuchalis
Thai: นกกระแตแต้แว้ดตะวันออก
Asian Koel (female)
Mueang Chiang Mai
30 June 2023
Scientific name: Eudynamys scolopaceus
Chinese (simplified): 噪鹃
Japanese: オニカッコウ
Thai: นกกาเหว่า
Scientific name: Eudynamys scolopaceus malayanus
Ashy Woodswallow
Chiang Mai
13 July 2023
Scientific name: Artamus fuscus
Chinese (simplified): 灰燕鵙
Japanese: ハイイロモリツバメ
Thai: นกแอ่นพง
(This species has no subspecies)
Asian Palm Swift
Takhian Pom, Lamphun
2 July 2023
Asian Palm Swift
Scientific name: Cypsiurus balasiensis
Chinese (simplified): 棕雨燕
Japanese: アジアヤシアマツバメ
Thai: นกแอ่นตาล
(not determined)
House Swift
Chiang Mai
13 July 2023
Scientific name: Apus nipalensis
Chinese (simplified): 小白腰雨燕
Japanese: ヒメアマツバメ
Thai: นกแอ่นบ้าน
Scientific name: Apus nipalensis nipalensis
Wire-tailed Swallow
Mueang Chiang Mai
15 July 2023
Scientific name: Hirundo smithii
Chinese (simplified): 线尾燕
Japanese: ハリオツバメ
Thai: นกนางแอ่นหางลวด
Asian Wire-tailed Swallow
Scientific name: Hirundo smithii filifera
Eastern Red-rumped Swallow[5]
Takhian Pom, Lamphun
2 July 2023
Scientific name: Cecropis daurica
Chinese (simplified): 斑腰燕
Japanese: オオコシアカツバメ
Thai: นกนางแอ่นลาย
Scientific name: Cecropis daurica stanfordi
[5] A taxon update was incorporated by the scientific community in October 2024. Former taxon data were:
Striated Swallow
Scientific name: Cecropis striolata
Subspecies scientific name: Cecropis striolata stanfordi
Barn Swallow
Mueang Chiang Mai
15 July 2023
Scientific name: Hirundo rustica
Chinese (simplified): 家燕
Japanese: 燕 [ツバメ]
Thai: นกนางแอ่นบ้าน
Amur Barn Swallow
Scientific name: Hirundo rustica gutturalis
Black-collared Starling
Chiang Mai
13 July 2023
Scientific name: Gracupica nigricollis
Chinese (simplified): 黑领椋鸟 [花八哥]
Japanese: クビワムクドリ
Thai: นกกิ้งโครงคอดำ
(This species has no subspecies)
Large-billed Crow
Takhian Pom, Lamphun
2 July 2023
Scientific name: Corvus macrorhynchos
Chinese (simplified): 大嘴乌鸦
Japanese: 嘴太鴉 [ハシブトガラス]
Thai: อีกา [อีกาปากหนา]
Eastern Jungle Crow
Scientific name: Corvus macrorhynchos levaillantii
Thai: อีกา
Lesser Whistling Duck
Mueang Chiang Mai
15 July 2023
Scientific name: Dendrocygna javanica
Chinese (simplified): 栗树鸭
Japanese: 琉球鴨 [リュウキュウガモ]
Thai: เป็ดแดง
(This species has no subspecies)
Black-crowned Night-Heron
Mueang Chiang Mai
15 July 2023
Scientific name: Nycticorax nycticorax
Chinese (simplified): 夜鹭
Japanese: 五位鷺 [ゴイサギ]
Thai: นกแขวก
Old World Black-crowned Night Heron
Scientific name: Nycticorax nycticorax nycticorax
Thai: นกแขวกโลกเก่า
Banded Bay Cuckoo[6]
Mueang Chiang Mai
15 July 2023
Scientific name: Heteroscenes sonneratii
Chinese (simplified): 栗斑杜鹃
Japanese: クリイロヒメカッコウ
Thai: นกคัคคูลาย
Scientific name: Heteroscenes sonneratii sonneratii
[6] A taxon update was incorporated by the scientific community in October 2024. Former taxon data were:
Scientific name: Cacomantis sonneratii
Subspecies scientific name: Cacomantis sonneratii sonneratii
Common Tailorbird
Mueang Chiang Mai
15 July 2023
Scientific name: Orthotomus sutorius
Chinese (simplified): 长尾缝叶莺
Japanese: オナガサイホウチョウ
Thai: นกกระจิบธรรมดา
Scientific name: Orthotomus sutorius inexpectatus
Plain Prinia
[Plain Wren-Warbler, White-browed Wren-Warbler]
Mueang Chiang Mai
15 July 2023
Scientific name: Prinia inornata
Chinese (simplified): 纯色山鹪莺
Japanese: アジアマミハウチワドリ
Thai: นกกระจิบหญ้าสีเรียบ
Scientific name: Prinia inornata blanfordi
Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker
Don Kaeo, Chiang Mai
14 July 2023
Scientific name: Dicaeum cruentatum
Chinese (simplified): 朱背啄花鸟
Japanese: セアカハナドリ
Thai: นกสีชมพูสวน
Scientific name: Dicaeum cruentatum cruentatum
Blue-tailed Bee-eater
Don Kaeo, Chiang Ma
14 July 2023
Scientific name: Merops philippinus
Chinese (simplified): 栗喉蜂虎
Japanese: ハリオハチクイ
Thai: นกจาบคาหัวเขียว
(This species has no subspecies)
Finlayson's Squirrel
Chiang Mai
12 July 2023
Scientific Name: Callosciurus finlaysonii
Chinese (simplified): 白背松鼠
Japanese: フィンレイソンリス
Thai: กระรอกหลากสี
(not determined)
Brown Rat
[Common Rat, Domestic Rat, Hanover Rat, Norway Rat, Street Rat, Sewer Rat, Water Rat, Wharf Rat]
Chiang Mai
12 July 2023
Scientific name: Rattus norvegicus
Chinese (simplified): 褐家鼠 [大鸭脖]
Japanese: 溝鼠 [ドブネズミ, ラット]
Thai: หนูนอร์เวย์
Not applicable. Brown Rats that were domesticated for laboratories [Lab Rat, Laboratory Rat] and the pet trade [Fancy Rat] form the only subspecies of Brown Rat, the Domestic Brown Rat [Rattus norvegicus domestica], recognized at this time. This rat is not a Domestic Brown Rat.
Siamese Blue Crested Lizard
Mae Sot, Tak
9 July 2023
Scientific name: Calotes goetzi
Chinese (simplified): 格氏树蜥
Japanese: (not known)
Thai: กิ้งก่าหัวสีฟ้า
(This species has no subspecies)
Longtail Mabuya
Thoen, Lampang
9 July 2023
Scientific name: Eutropis longicaudata
Chinese (simplified): 长尾南蜥
Japanese: オナガマブヤ
Thai: จิ้งเหลนหางยาว
(This species has no subspecies)
Asian House Gecko
Mueang Chiang Mai
15 July 2023
Asian House Gecko
Scientific name: Hemidactylus frenatus
Chinese (simplified): 疣尾蜥虎 [横斑蜥虎]
Japanese: ホオグロヤモリ
Thai: จิ้งจกบ้านหางหนาม
(This species has no subspecies)
Oriental Garden Lizard
Takhian Pom, Lamphun
2 July 2023
Scientific name: Calotes versicolor
Chinese (simplified): 变色树蜥
Japanese: イロカエカロテス
Thai: กิ้งก่าหัวแดง
(This species has no subspecies)
East Asian Bullfrog
Mueang Chiang Mai
15 July 2023
Scientific name: Hoplobatrachus chinensis
Chinese (simplified): 虎皮蛙 [虎纹蛙]
Japanese: (not known)
Thai: กบนา
(This species has no subspecies)
A Common Land Snail
Chiang Mai
30 June 2023
Subfamily: Macrochlamydinae
Chinese (simplified): 巨楯蛞蝓亚科
Japanese: (not known)
Thai: (not known)
(not determined)
Redbelly Tilapia
Chiang Mai
12 July 2023
Scientific name: Coptodon zillii
Chinese (simplified): 齐氏罗非 [吉利慈鲷, 吉利罗非]
Japanese: ジルティラピア
Thai: (not known)
(This species has no subspecies)
A Tilapia
Chiang Mai
12 July 2023
Genus: Oreochromis
Chinese (simplified): 罗非鱼属
Japanese: カワスズメ属
Thai: (not known)
(not determined)
Amur Carp
Chiang Mai
12 July 2023
Scientific name: Cyprinus rubrofuscus
Chinese (simplified): 华南鲤 [红褐鲤, 鲤鱼]
Japanese: コイ
Thai: ปลาไนป่า
(This species has no subspecies)
A Cellar Spider
Chiang Mai
11 July 2023
Scientific name: Micropholcus fauroti
Chinese (simplified): 佛若小幽灵蛛
Japanese: アジアユウレイグモ
Thai: (not known)
(This species has no subspecies)
Photo taken with mobile phone camera.
Smooth-eyed Bushbrown
Takhian Pom, Lamphun
3 July 2023
Scientific name: Orsotriaena medus
Chinese (Simplified): 奥眼蝶
Japanese: (not known)
Thai: ผีเสื้อนิโกร
Dark Grass Brown
Scientific name: Orsotriaena medus cinerea
Lime Swallowtail
Mae Sot, Tak
6 July 2023
Scientific name: Papilio demoleus
Chinese (simplified): 达摩凤蝶
Japanese: オナシアゲ
Thai: ผีเสื้อหนอนมะนาว
(not determined)
Lemon Migrant
Mae Moei Reservoir, Lamphun
1 July 2023
Scientific name: Catopsilia pomona
Chinese (simplified): 迁粉蝶
Japanese: ウスキシロチョウ
Thai: ผีเสื้อหนอนคูนธรรมดา
(not determined)
Mottled Emigrant
Mae Sot, Tak
6 July 2023
Scientific name: Catopsilia pyranthe
Chinese (simplified): 梨花迁粉蝶
Japanese: ウラナミシロチョウ
Thai: ผีเสื้อหนอนคูนลายกระ
Scientific name: Catopsilia pyranthe pyranthe
Indian Cabbage White
Takhian Pom, Lamphun
3 July 2023
Scientific name: Pieris canidia
Chinese (simplified): 东方菜粉蝶
Japanese: タイワンモンシロチョウ
Thai: ผีเสื้อหนอนกะหล่ำอินเดีย
Scientific name: Pieris canidia canidia
A Moth
Thung Hua Chang, Lamphun
3 July 2023
Species (unconfirmed)
Blue-spotted Forester Moth
Scientific name: Episteme adulatrix
Chinese (simplified): 鹿彩虎蛾
Japanese: アトベニトラガ
Thai: (not known)
Lemon Pansy
Mae Sot, Tak
6 July 2023
Scientific name: Junonia lemonias
Chinese (simplified): 蛇眼蛱蝶
Japanese: ジャノメタテハモドキ
Thai: ผีเสื้อแพนซีสีตาล
Scientific name: Junonia lemonias lemonias
Plain Tiger Butterfly
Mae Sot, Tak
7 July 2023
Scientific name: Danaus chrysippus
Chinese (simplified): 金斑蝶
Japanese: カバマダラ
Thai: ผีเสื้อหนอนใบรักธรรมดา
Scientific name: Danaus chrysippus chrysippus
Great Eggfly
Thung Hua Chang, Lamphun
3 July 2023
Scientific name: Hypolimnas bolina
Chinese (simplified): 幻紫斑蛱蝶
Japanese: リュウキュウムラサキ
Thai: ผีเสื้อปีกไข่ใหญ่
Oriental Great Eggfly
Scientific name: Hypolimnas bolina iacintha
Dark-branded Bushbrown
Tambon Takhian Pom, Lamphun
3 July 2023
Scientific name: Mycalesis mineus
Chinese (simplified): 小眉眼蝶
Japanese: マルバヒトツメジャノメ
Thai: ผีเสื้อตาลพุ่มสี่จุดเรียง
Dakhan Dark-branded Bushbrown
Scientific name: Mycalesis mineus polydecta
Photo taken with mobile phone camera.
A Moth
Mae Sot, Tak
7 July 2023
Scientific name: Acontia marmoralis
Chinese (simplified): 大理石绮夜蛾
Japanese: ウスキマダラコヤガ
(This species has no subspecies)
A Moth
Thung Hua Chang, Lamphun
2 July 2023
Species (unconfirmed)
Species name: Scopula parodites
Photo taken with mobile phone camera.
Greater Bluewing
Mueang Chiang Mai
15 July 2023
Scientific name: Rhyothemis plutonia
Chinese (simplified): 曜丽翅蜻
Japanese: (unknown)
Thai: แมลงปอบ้านไร่ปลายปีกใส
(This species has no subspecies)
Ditch Jewel
Don Kaeo, Chiang Mai
14 July 2023
Scientific name: Brachythemis contaminata
Chinese (simplified): 黄翅蜻
Japanese: ヒメキトンボ
Thai: แมลงปอบ้านปีกเปื้อนส้ม
(This species has no subspecies)
Grizzled Pintail
Mueang Chiang Mai
15 July 2023
Scientific name: Acisoma panorpoides
Chinese (simplified): 锥腹蜻
Japanese: コシブトトンボ
Thai: แมลงปอบ้านก้นกระเปาะ
(This species has no subspecies)
Emerald-flanked Marsh Hawk
Mueang Chiang Mai
15 July 2023
Scientific name: Brachydiplax farinosa
Chinese (simplified): 霜白疏脉蜻
Japanese: (not known)
Thai: แมลงปอบ้านสีตะกั่วขนขาว
(This species has no subspecies)
Yellow-sided Carpenter
Takhian Pom, Lamphun
4 July 2023
Scientific name: Xylocopa minor
Chinese (simplified): (not known)
Japanese: (not known)
Thai: แมลงภู่หลังเหลืองไมเนอร์
(This species has no subspecies)
Abbott's Carpenter
Takhian Pom, Lamphun
4 July 2023
Scientific name: Xylocopa abbotti
Chinese (simplified): (not known)
Japanese: (not known)
Thai: แมลงภู่หลังฟ้าแอบบอท
(This species has no subspecies)
A Digger Bee
Takhian Pom, Lamphun
4 July 2023
Scientific name: Amegilla fimbriata
Chinese (simplified): 灰胸无垫蜂
Japanese: (not known)
Thai: ผึ้งขุดหลุมป่าริมขาว
(This species has no subspecies)
Green-winged Bamboo-Carpenter
Na Sai, Lamphun
4 July 2023
Scientific name: Xylocopa nasalis
Chinese (simplified): 竹木蜂
Japanese: (not known)
Thai: แมลงภู่เจาะไผ่ปีกเขียว
(This species has no subspecies)
A Netwing Beetle
Mueang Chiang Mai
15 July 2023
Scientific name: Lycostomus similis
Chinese (simplified): 相似吻红萤
Japanese: (not known)
Thai: (not known)
(This species has no subspecies)
A Flat-faced Longhorn Beetle
Ban Pong, Hang Dong, Chiang Mai
10 July 2023
Scientific name: Aristobia approximator
Chinese (simplified): 橘斑簇天牛
Japanese: (not known)
Thai: ด้วงหนวดปมจุดเหลืองดำ
(This species has no subspecies)
A Beetle
Tambon Takhian Pom, Lamphun
3 July 2023
(not determined)
Photo taken with mobile phone camera.
A Round-Necked Longhorn Beetle
Mae Sot, Tak
6 July 2023
Chinese (simplified): 天牛亚科
Japanese: カミキリ亜科
Thai: ด้วงหนวดยาวแท้
Species (unconfirmed)
Scientific name: Epipedocera laticollis
A Silent Slant-faced Grasshopper
Takhian Pom, Lamphun
1 July 2023
Scientific name: Phlaeoba antennata
Chinese (simplified): 长角佛蝗
Japanese: (not known)
Thai: ตั๊กแตนสีตาลหนวดขาว
(This species has no subspecies)
Photo taken with mobile phone camera.
An Assassin Bug
Mueang Chiang Mai
15 July 2023
Tribe (unconfirmed)
Scientific name: Harpactorini
Chinese (simplified): 真猎蝽族
Japanese: モンシロサシガメ族
Thai: (not known)
(not determined)
A Fly
Thung Hua Chang, Lamphun
3 July 2023
(not determined)
A Robber Fly
San Phi Suea, Chiang Mai
14 July 2023
(not determined)
Photo taken with mobile phone camera.
A Termite
Takhian Pom, Lamphun
3 July 2023
(not determined)
Photo taken with mobile phone camera.
An Ant
Chiang Mai
12 July 2023
(not determined)
Photo taken with mobile phone camera.
Asian Weaver Ant
[Orange Gaster]
Takhian Pom, Lamphun
2 July 2023
Scientific name: Oecophylla smaragdina
Chinese (simplified): 黄猄蚁
Japanese: ツムギアリ
Thai: มดแดง
(not determined)
Ghost Ant
Chiang Mai
11 July 2023
Scientific name: Tapinoma melanocephalum
Chinese (simplified): 黑头酸臭蚁
Japanese: アワテコヌカアリ
Thai: มดเหม็น
(This species has no subspecies)
Photo taken with mobile phone camera.
A Flat-backed Millipede (unconfirmed)
Na Sai, Lamphun
4 July 2023
(not determined)
A Flying Insect
Thung Hua Chang, Lamphun
2 July 2023
(not determined)
Photo taken with mobile phone camera.
A Wood Cockroach
Chiang Mai
28 June 2023
(not determined)
Photo taken with mobile phone camera.
A Giant Cockroach
Thung Hua Chang, Lamphun
1 July 2023
(not determined)
Photo taken with mobile phone camera.